Masterclasse Mark de Clive-Lowe
IMEP • Paris College of Music has the honor of presenting an exclusive masterclass with Mark on June 27, in collaboration with the great concert venue La Petite Halle in Paris!
Join us at 17h on Tuesday, June 27th, and ask Mark everything you’ve ever wanted to know about his creative process, his finely tuned setup of machines and effects, and more.
And to top it off, Mark will be performing a live remix show all night long, starting at 20h at La Petite Halle!
Tickets are going fast, so make sure to get yours: ticketing information is provided on the official event page that you can access directly from this website or from our main facebook page.
(Tickets available for masterclass only or a special rate for masterclass + live concert the same evening, see below)
Masterclass – 17h:
Prévente (via Digitick): 15,80 / sur place: 18€
Tarif spécial “Masterclass + concert”:
Prévente (via Digitick): 26,50 / sur place 28€