The school was founded in 2011 by a collective of professional musicians with many years’ experience in music teaching. IMEP – Paris College of Music is a living forum, open to the outside world, with a mission to gather together the musicians of the future .

2011: Creation of IMEP – Paris College of Music .
The founding members were Peter Giron, François Fichu, Phil Hilfiker, Bernard Vidal and Guy von Gaudecker. The management team wanted more than just an ordinary music school, but rather an integrated place of musical learning and shared practice in Paris.
2016: end of the partnership with the American School.
From its foundation through September 2016 IMEP was the sole operator of the brand name “American School of Modern Music”. From that date all contractual links with ASMM were severed and the two organizations became entirely independent from one another. Having contributed over many years to the reputation of the American School of Modern Music (more than 30 years in some cases), the entire teaching faculty decided to join the IMEP project and moved into new premises at 7, rue Emile Dubois in Paris.

2016: IMEP moves to Paris’ 14th arrondissement
Spread over 430 sq. m, the school has spacious, sound-proofed and fully-wired classrooms plus practice booths and high-end equipment: 4 sound-proofed individual booths, 7 multimedia-equipped studios for groups and orchestras, a recording studio… IMEP is more than just a place of learning but a true living environment where musical practices are comprehensively exchanged and shared.
2017: IMEP becomes a member of Berklee College of Music’s “Berklee Global Partners” network .
IMEP became the only Paris member of Berklee Global Partners, an international network run by the prestigious Berklee College of Music. IMEP is the first Paris-based school to establish a partnership with the best known higher-educational institute for all professions associated with modern music.

2020: IMEP enters into an academic partnership with Berklee College of Music .
Berklee College of Music and IMEP signed an academic partnership agreement. Under this arrangement, IMEP students get fast-tracked access to Berklee College of Music, in particular via a system of grade equivalence and academic credit transfers. Find out more about the IMEP-Berklee partnership.
2022: IMEP is granted Qualiopi certification
Qualiopi is a French governmental scheme seeking to clarify the French market for vocational training through quality-certification of training institutions.
The Qualiopi certificate is a measure of the professional standard of IMEP – Paris College of Music’s training activities.
The certification scheme enables applicants for the Professional Program to apply for public or mutualized funding (Pôle Emploi, Fonds d’Assurance Formation, French Regions, Opco).