Musicians’ Forum 94

Musicians’ Forum 94

For its 1st edition, the Forum des musicien-nes 94 will be taking place at the Hangar in Ivry-sur-Seine! Join us on Saturday 7 December 2024 from 1pm for a meeting of all those involved in contemporary music in the Val de Marne, whoever you are:

  • musician
  • students
  • artist
  • photograph
  • aspiring or professionnel manager
  • programmer
  • member of a cultural association
  • graphist
  • webmaster
  • festival organiser
  • volunteering or doing civic service in a modern music venue…

The RIF – Réseau des musiques actuelles en Île-de-France and its members invite you to this time of musician∙ne∙s information, which will be an opportunity to exchange ideas together around workshops and conferences, to meet players in contemporary music, or to get to know the potential∙le∙s future∙e∙s partners of your projects at the apéro-rencontres. At the same time, hearing screenings and earplug moulding will take place. Public welcome from 13:00

Date: 7 December 2024Time: 13 h 00 min - 22 h 00 min UTC+1Category: Masterclass