Bernard Vidal’s 2024 summer courses

Bernard Vidal’s 2024 summer courses

Bernard Vidal, co-founder of IMEP – Paris College of Music, organizes his annual summer courses. It’s time to sign up!   The first course runs from August 24 to 30. Reserved for first-time participants. Location: To be determined. In Ariège or Sète,...
Masterclass Music Business

Masterclass Music Business

IMEP – Paris College of Music invites you to a masterclass on the theme of Music Business. The masterclass will take place in the school’s Studio B on April 23, starting at 7pm. This masterclass aims to give you the keys to understanding the music...
Chris Culpo’ The Golden Hand Sessions

Chris Culpo’ The Golden Hand Sessions

Discover the latest album from Christopher Culpo, pianist, composer and Cycle Pro composition teacher. The Golden Hand Sessions Volume 1 was captured during 5 days of sessions in November 2021 at Atelier de la Main d’Or in Paris. During this period, Christopher...
Masterclasse with Rick Margitza

Masterclasse with Rick Margitza

L’IMEP – PARIS COLLEGE OF MUSIC ORGANIZES A MASTERCLASS WITH RICK MARGITZA Tuesday, March 5 NEXT! During this masterclass, he’ll give you his practice method, learned from Gary Campbell, to deepen your training routine. The masterclass is open to all...
Tribute to Hugues Vincent

Tribute to Hugues Vincent

IMEP – Paris College of Music is sorry to announce the death of Hugues Vincent, who taught cello at the school from 2016. A great lover of music, free improvisation and the discovery of new sounds, he leaves a personal imprint on cello playing. The entire IMEP...