Lockdown, online courses, student isolation.. IMEP • Paris College of Music is extra vigilant and conscious about the students mental health and well being during this pandemic.
Whether it is a brief anxiety feeling due to Covid-19 or a deeper psychological distress, getting help is possible thanks to different phone lines created by French Government or associations. All lines are free and confidential. Depending on your needs, psychologists, doctors or volunteers are available.
- 0800 130 000 : Covid-19 information and psychological help, every day 24h/24 (in French)
- 01 46 21 46 46 : Sos Help, from 3.pm to 11pm https://www.soshelpline.org/
List of all resources available during Covid-19 (document in French) Download
Of course, do not hesitate to reach out to your teachers and IMEP administrative team, we are here for you !
Telephone : 01 46 04 90 87
Mail : info@imep.pro