How to apply to IMEP?
IMEP applications involve 3 stages:
Audition: To be enrolled as an IMEP student, you first need to fill in our application form in order to set up an audition. Several dates are available throughout the year from January to September. We recommend that you audition as early as possible in the year to avoid the risk of a course being fully booked.
Admission: Following the audition, we will let you know whether you have been admitted.
Enrolment: Once your pre-application has been accepted, you can enroll by mail between July and September. Final enrollment is only recognized once the annual tuition fees have been paid in full.
As a beginner, can I take the audition?
IMEP auditions are open to any candidate who can show that they have been playing an instrument for at least one year, either alone or with others. There is a preparatory year for students who need to prepare for admission into the first year of the Professional Program.
Is it possible to enter directly into the 2nd or 3rd year?
Yes. Your level is assessed during the admission audition. Candidates for the Professionnal Program with the required level can be fast-tracked directly in the 2nd, even the 3rd year.
What is the minimum age for admission to IMEP?
IMEP training is available to any adult (18 years and above). It is possible to apply before age 18 under certain conditions. Please contact us to explain your situation.
When are the auditions held?
IMEP • Paris College of Music audition dates are held between February and September.
How long does the audition last?
The audition involves: a 15-minute written theory test – a 10-minute oral theory test – a 2-3 minute instrumental test – a discussion with the examining teachers.
What should I bring to the audition?
You should bring to the audition your own instrument (except drummers and pianists). Play-along tracks are allowed but NB: we do not provide any form of amplification via mini-jack. You should therefore bring a phone or computer to produce your own sound. You can also come with one or two of your own accompanying musicians.
How will I be assessed?
Our teachers will assess you in relation to your level and personal aims. Auditions are tailor-made for each applicant. For instance, Open Program applicants will be asked somewhat different questions than Professional Program applicants. You can access all the relevant information here.