Dominique Assié

Dominique studied at the American School of Modern Music and the Ecole d’Arts Plastiques (EMAP) in Nice. He studied privately with P. Cullaz, François Fichu, Peter Giron, Bernard Vidal, M. O’Neil, B. Wheeler, S. Bowman and worked as a guitarist for Nicolas Stern, N’Zela, Sept Têtes, Sebastien Charluet, Romain Nosek,…. He composes and arranges for Sébastien Charluet and Nicolas Stern. Studio guitarist at Labo Orchestra Paris (film music, TV advertising, records). Featured on N’Zela’s ‘Sambela’ and Nicolas Stern’s ‘Les Anges ont des Ailes’ CDs. Was a professor at the American School of Modern Music from 2006 to 2016